Birch School : Maker Rings

Sharing the Story of "Students supporting Students to MAKE their best work"

The Longest Line

As part of our Maker Rings we have been participating in Team-Building and creative challenges. It has been a few sessions since we did this, so everyone seemed ready for the challenge. Students have been working on projects and exploring the tools that are available and that has been the focus for the past few…

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Group Challenges, Collaboration, Play

We’ve introduced several group challenges that promote teamwork and creative problem solving. They always involve laughter, and that is essential to success. This one,  from Teamwork & Teamplay, is called Magic Carpet. You can download the complete lesson here. (Thank you Jim Cain!) Our teams were made of two Maker Rings, so there were about…

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Team-Building and Creative Thinking Challenges

Some of our favorite activities come from the work of Jim Cain at Teamwork and Teamplay. As we progress in introducing team and community building activities we are expanding the types of challenges we offer the Maker Rings. Arrowheads, From Teamwork and Teamplay Download here For this lesson we gave each Maker Ring an envelope…

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